
Student Email FAQs

What is my email address?

Beginning Fall 2015, 大象视频 students have been assigned a new username that incorporates their ID number assigned by the new student information system. The standard is as follows:

New Username: First initial of first name + first initial of last name + Jenzabar ID

(Joe was provided the Jenzabar I.D. information in a letter sent to the address he has on file in the Admissions Office.)

Example: Joe User, with a Jenzabar ID of 12345, will have a new username of ju12345 and an email address of ju12345@my.chipola.edu (new username followed by @my.chipola.edu)

If you do not know your Jenzabar ID, contact the 大象视频 HelpDesk at 850-718-2300.

What is my password?

Your default password is the mm (month) and dd (day) of your birthday followed by the FIRST four numbers of your Social Security Number.  For example, if your birthday is January 6, 2008, and your social security number is 123-45-6789, your default password would be 01061234

How do I access my e-mail?

To access your e-mail you will go to . Sign in using your email address and your default password

How to configure my mobile phone to access my Outlook - Office 365 account?

Microsoft has detailed instructions on how to set up your mobile phones, go to  to view their instructions.

Do I have to use Office 365?

Yes, from now on the Student Email @my.chipola.edu will be used as a primarily method for transmitting and delivering official college correspondence. Therefore, it is imperative that you check your student email on a regular basis.

Can I forward or redirect my Outlook mail to another account?

Yes, you should be able to set a rule in Office 365 to redirect your e-mails, but you are responsible for making sure you are receiving all your e-mails; once you redirect your e-mails to a different account some e-mails may end up in your 'Junk or Trash' boxes. Chipola is not responsible for any missing e-mails that have been sent to a redirected account.

Where can I get more information about Office 365 email setup?

Microsoft has detailed instructions on how to use Office 365, go to  to view their instructions.